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|【李盛弘專欄 — 我在MIT上設計課】紐約出現共享街道!半開放式小屋如何透過設計成為城市永存的風景 |

明日誌 - MOT TIMES, March 22, 2021


Revisiting My Self-Quarantine Experience through a Data-Driven Approach |

dmi: Review, March 15, 2021

One constructive possibility was that as a designer, I could authentically capture my personal self-quarantine experience to identify user pain points, and improve the school’s quarantine procedures to help more people in the future.


设计 - DESIGN, November, 2020


|【李盛弘專欄 — 我在MIT上設計課】街道上的「體驗設計」觀察—創新讓餐飲業找到疫情下的生存之道,9個小巧思突破經營僵局 |

明日誌 - MOT TIMES, August 12, 2020

晴朗的夏天,我散步在冷清的麻省理工(MIT)校園街道上,一如既往戴著口罩與耳機,聽著MC HotDog的經典曲目,並試圖想要用熱鬧快節奏的饒舌音樂一掃心中的孤獨感。但終究這一切都發生得太倉促,我很難想像這如此空蕩蕩的場景是位於與劍橋市(Cambridge)市中心與麻省理工(MIT)校園内。這裡的公共空間傳達出一種被束縛下的沈默與空白,人們內心處於一種極度不自由的狀態,然而最自由的卻是隱形的COVID-19病毒。


设计 - DESIGN, July, 2020


Core77 Design Awards 2020 Honorees: Personal Accessory |

Core77, June 16, 2020

The 2020 Core77 Design Awards Personal Accessory category honors consumer products intended for personal use in daily life. Examples include handheld products, luggage, desktop toys, jewelry, handbags, apparel, water bottles, etc.

|【李盛弘專欄 — 我在MIT上設計課】「疫」外收穫 — 從4大設計組織平台洞見世界潮流的趨勢轉變與機會 |

明日誌 - MOT TIMES, May 25, 2020

大約在今年三月中COVID-19疫情爆發後麻省理工(MIT)迅速改變了教學政策,將剩下的課程皆調整為線上授課。我原先在實驗室的工作也改為線上作業。於是我離開了校園前往New Jersey和家人同住。即使有一半的學期時間是線上授課,五月中我還是順利完成了在MIT的第二個學期。

|【李盛弘專欄 — 我在MIT上設計課】校園導覽的服務如何拿下2020 A' Design Award大獎?從MIT校園導覽看體驗設計的四大法則 |

明日誌 - MOT TIMES, March 11, 2020

在2019年的尾聲與學校寒假期間,我在夏威夷Ko Okina的海灘上享受著海水湛藍與天空連成水天一色,海風陣陣彿面而來與溫暖的陽光希望除去在波士頓的陰冷濕寒,慵懶的倚靠在二手沙灘椅上著手整理下半年的一個重要社會創新項目 – 麻省理工校園導覽服務體驗設計。

| My D Journey with IDSA |

Industrial Designers Society of America, March 5, 2020

To mark the occasion of the Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA)'s 55th birthday on March 5, 2020—National Industrial Design Day—the community to share about their experiences as industrial designers and members of IDSA.The 2020 Core77 Design Awards Personal Accessory category honors consumer products intended for personal use in daily life. Examples include handheld products, luggage, desktop toys, jewelry, handbags, apparel, water bottles, etc.

| Aloha - An Inspirational Trip at Hawaii |

Asia Designer Communication Platform, February 19, 2020

This article records interesting observations during his trip and shares his initial thoughts and reflections on three themes: Celebrate the Local Culture, Design for the Public and Invisible User Needs.

| A Design Sprint Project Reflection – Revisit Teamwork in the Lens of Kano Model |

Asia Designer Communication Platform, December 25, 2019

The article provides another fresh perspective to understand the concept of team collaboration, team dynamics and the way to revisit the word "teamwork" by applying the Kano Model framework.

|【李盛弘專欄 — 我在MIT上設計課】設計師在實驗室能做些什麼?4個行動,初探學術實驗室內的創新 |

明日誌 - MOT TIMES, December 11, 2019

我許多第一次的經驗是和MIT AgeLab緊密結合:第一次面對客戶匯報、第一次和資料科學家合作設計人物誌(persona)、第一次嘗試將體驗設計方法與系統工程(system engineering) 融合等等,這篇短篇文章即是彙整許多在實驗室的「第一次」經驗,也能解答我心中一部分的困惑:「設計師在實驗室能做些什麽?」

| A Brief Discussion on Object-Process Methodology (OPM) and Design Thinking Approach |

Asia Designer Communication Platform, October 24, 2019

The article is about how to connect the design thinking approach with the system engineering methodology. 

| 如何放大設計思考的格局?設計師也是文化的形塑者!專訪前IDEO設計師李盛弘 |

明日誌 - MOT TIMES, September 12, 2019

李盛弘不僅是一名產品體驗設計師,也是教育家、創客,從台灣教育體系被一路培養,在進入IDEO工作之前從來沒有出國留學,卻一步步踏上國際舞台,他究竟是如何辦到的?趁著李盛弘返台期間,他接受了MOT TIMES專訪與我們暢談人生精彩的設計之路。

| Inspiration from My Three-month Stay for the Designer in Residence Program in Germany - Part 4/4 |

Asia Designer Communication Platform, August 14, 2019

This time Sheng-Hung got his inspiration from the Cube Design Museum in the Netherlands and Ms. Marina Sjoer.

| Inspiration from My Three-month Stay for the Designer in Residence Program in Germany - Part 3/4 |

Asia Designer Communication Platform, August 7, 2019

On Sheng-Hung's trip from German to Netherlands, Sheng-Hung got his design inspirations from the thoughtful design of the train he took.

| Inspiration from My Three-month Stay for the Designer in Residence Program in Germany - Part 2/4 |

Asia Designer Communication Platform, August 1, 2019

This time Sheng-Hung has got his inspiration from a century-old seal shop and a Swiss brand FRRITAG, come to our website for check what he got from this two shop.

| 感官全開的活著,呼吸即設計 - 李盛弘 |

瘋設計 - FUN DESIGN, August 1, 2019

2019年瘋設計迎來十周年,而團隊的「#10YearChallenge」 跨足建築,室內,設計,藝術,美學與展覽領域不斷嘗試與突破。「十年瘋設計」將透過挖掘每個專業領域的狂人,帶大家一起走入瘋狂且執著的進化之路,繼續挑戰下一個十年。

| Inspiration from My Three-month Stay for the Designer in Residence Program in Germany - Part 1/4 |

Asia Designer Communication Platform, July 24, 2019

It starts with his habit jogging, this article will be segment into four parts and will be released on next three Wednesday. Also he has published a book, <Design Consciousness - Small Things with Big Heart>, which records his life of 3-month designer in residence scholarship at Pforzheim, Germany and presents to people who has courage to view the world differently and imaginatively.

| 设计思维驱动公共服务创新:以“仁”为本的公共空间服务设计 |

清华大学出版社 - Tsinghua University Press, July, 2019

The article is covered in the book <Construct a New Framework for UX - Personality, Intelligence, Platform> from page 125 to page 131.

| 德国驻地设计师项目之我见 DESIGNER IN RESIDENCE |

设计 - DESIGN, June, 2019


| „Designers in Residence“: Stipendiaten hinterfragen Funktion von Schmuck und Chancen des 3D-Drucks |

Pforzheimer Zeitung, April 4, 2019

Pforzheim. Sie sind erst vor ein paar Tagen in Pforzheim angekommen, loben die freundliche Atmosphäre, und legen sofort los: Drei internationale Nachwuchsdesigner arbeiten jetzt drei Monate lang im EMMA – Kreativzentrum Pforzheim an ihren Projekten. Eine Jury hatte sie unter 250 Bewerbern aus 50 Ländern ausgewählt.

| 探寻⽣活中的设计素养 |

Design360° 观念与设计杂志, March 3, 2019


| Design and Design Literacy in Everyday Life |

Asia Designer Communication Platform, February 12, 2019

Design literacy is not just reach the purpose of design and meet people's demands, but ultimately maintain and convey a complete awareness of design. The design literacy should focus on abstract and intangible changes which objects bring to users’ mind and a understanding of humanity.


设计 - DESIGN, September, 2018


| Through Designers’ Eyes — Design Inspirations from Daily Life |

Asia Designer Communication Platform, September 9, 2018

The article covers four parts: I. Building Design Confidence and an Eastern Design Value System. II. Design Is a Natural Act that Requires Empathy. III. People-, Product- and Environmentally-friendly Universal Design. IV. Overdesign.

| A Brief Discussion on The Essence of Design |

Asia Designer Communication Platform, August 6, 2018

Reflections on Working in the Jury of the International Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) 2018

| 重新设计公共空间中的未来学习体验 — 以上海图书馆创 · 新空间为例 |

工业设计杂志 - Industrial Design, May 25, 2018

“能解决问题的人和具备设计心态的人都可以称为设计师”,这是一个关于“设计师”的更具有包容性的解释,也是对于本身就有设计背景的人来说,更具挑战性的概念。从一种职业走向了一种行为服务模式,设计的界限变得模糊了,设计的目的更加清晰了 — 提供一种更好的生活方式。

| 美國國際設計傑出獎(IDEA)唯一亞洲評審李盛弘:作為設計師,你心裡關心的東西,要遠超過眼睛看到的 |

創誌 - Vide, March 27, 2018

設計師關心的不只是設計本身,也包含了策展、培訓、教育、市場推廣等等,不但不覺得辛苦,反而以此勉勵 MIX 與會朋友「要增加設計的包容度!」他提到有回帶業主的工作坊,燈光美氣氛佳,每個環節都很棒,沒想在場一個做市場的同事卻問:「怎麼工作坊的空間中沒有香氣?」更深刻體會到「不同人的觀點都有他的價值存在,要懂得怎麼聆聽、怎麼運用在對的地方。」


设计 - DESIGN, September, 2017

在设计顾问公司里,每天遇到不同种类的案子,品项小的从净饮水器、面膜、家具,大的议题到银行室内设计、商场规划等等,各式各样的挑战与问题等着设计师们解决。 首先,要解决这些问题的设计师们是谁? 是传统上的我们认为有设计背景的设计师,还是只要能解决问题的人我们都可以称作设计师?

| 李盛弘:影 · 响 · 力 |

纳金网 - Narkii, January 19, 2018


| Rethinking Design: Moving Your Eyes From Your Head to Your Heart |

TEDxFuxingPark, November 3, 2017

Shang-Hung Lee shares a story starting from the relationship among men, women and design, the relationship between gender and design and also briefly introduces the definition of universal design with several concrete examples. He points out that normally great design solutions come from human-centric design approaches. It naturally breaks the barriers posed by gender, age and even culture to enable us to see our society and world from the perspective of the humanity-centric design mindset.

Design with plants |

Domus, January 16, 2017

We need plants now more than ever. If nature seems so conceptual for the many living in the city, luckily creative minds address our ancestral needs and simply design with plants.

| 海上防禦 拯救生態 |

明周 - One Media Group, November 21, 2016


Fighting Coastal Erosion With The Power of Mangroves |

Core77, November 15, 2016

The concrete tetrapod gets a green makeover.


These Pots Are Designed To Create Mangrove Forests That Will Protect Our Beaches |

Fast Company, November 7, 2016

The Tetrapot is a stable home for trees that help break waves, collect sand, and guard our coastlines.



TetraPOT is a greener alternative to concrete coastal defences |

Dezeen, October 24, 2016

Taiwanese designer Sheng-Hung Lee and his team have created a concept for a new kind of sea defence that also functions as a set of giant plant pots.


1/4人生赢家 - 这位IDEO设计师是一位本科读了七年的真学霸 |

界面 - Jiemian, October 24, 2016



Tetrapot Greener Sea Defense Creates Symbiosis Between Artificial and Natural Sea Defense |

Tuvie, April 7, 2016

This project is about creating structures that can act as sea defense by creating a natural habitat.



Toilet Paper With a Twist |

YANKO DESIGN, April 14, 2015

Even if you have a toilet paper roll holder installed in your bathroom, chances are that every now and then you simply stand up your roll on some bathroom surface rather than replace the old one. Unfortunately, this means bacteria and dust can make their way to your bum! The solution? A toilet paper roll that’s easily extendable to keep the paper elevated from the surface.



Toilet Paper Roll Redesign |

Tuvie, April 14, 2015

Even simple thing can be upgraded for better functionality, take a look at this project: Toilet Paper Roll Redesign. It aims to prevent the bottom of tissue touches any surface. You can read the explanation from the designer below.


Designing Here/Now |

Thames & Hudson , September 16, 2014

An ambitious global compendium of the most thoughtful and innovative design objects invented or produced in the past five years, compiled by experts at Core 77. It is difficult to keep pace with the most relevant design innovations, but Core 77 has been presenting the design world’s best work since 1995.


| Spark Award Winner: Nursing Kit |

Spark Awards , November 6, 2013

The Spark mission is to promote better living through better design. The criteria are the same for all Spark competitions: does the design “Spark,” i.e., innovate, change the game and in some way help humanity or the environment we live in. The Spark founders believe Design is an important, relevant tool to help build a better world. We feel that Design and designers act as catalysts, addressing problems and improving our lives and our Earth.


Capstone Program |

College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, National Cheng Kung University, August 31, 2013

Project 1: Innovation Research of QR Code Application with MCU – Take the Design Development of “PhotoTalk” as an Example

Project 2: Real-time Image Processing and Data Transmission Research of OK6410 ARM 11– Take the Design Development of “FANs Cam” as an Example


Core77 Design Awards 2013 Honorees: Interaction |

Core77 , August 14, 2013

Over the next few weeks we will be highlighting award-winning projects and ideas from this year's Core77 Design Awards 2013. We will be featuring these projects by category, so stay tuned for your favorite categories of design! For full details on the project, jury commenting and more information about the awards program, go to


現代達文西,與世界對話 |

遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司 - Global Views Monthly, March 1, 2013

李盛弘不僅主修工業設計,並雙修電機系,因為擁有不同背景,讓設計思維不再只是晶片設計或產品設計單一思考,練習跨界合作,讓「photo talk」既創新、又符合市場需求,更重要的,創造了新的使用情境。

| Core77 2013 Design Awards |

Core77 ,2013

Since 1995, Core77 has served a devoted global audience of designers ranging from students through seasoned professionals. Core77 publishes articles, discussion forums, and an extensive event calendar in addition to hosting portfolios, job listings, and a database of design firms, schools, vendors and services. Core77 also provides a gathering point for designers and enthusiasts alike by producing design competitions, lecture series, parties, and exhibitions.



| A First Aid Kit That Is Easy to Reach, Hard to Forget |

IDSA, December 9, 2012

Accessibility is a key element of designing a solution intended to be used in emergency situations. First aid kits, as one example, need to be as accessible as possible. A group of students in Taiwan recognized that Taiwanese families needed first aid kits to be more accessible and more universally designed. So they created Nursing Kit to solve for those things. For their troubles, they took home a Gold IDEA. In the following interview, we learn more about how they did it.



Department of Information & Tourism, Taipei Municipal Government, December 1, 2012

How can you not fall in love with Taipei? Wandering in the city, you will see all kinds of design as very pleasant surprises appearing at everywhere you go. To introduce the ubiquitous power of design in Taipei, the Department of Information & Tourism, Taipei Municipal Government, has published a book, named “Taipei Design Code”, to lead the readers to discover the charm of Taipei, a very special city. Taipei has five powers, including design power, sustainable power, creative power, regenerative power, and LOHAS power. The book leads the readers to appreciate these five powers in a relaxing and profound way, and hence, displays the various designs existing in Taipei. 



| Voice Memo With Benefits |

YANKO DESIGN, November 19, 2012

Vmo is quite a clever way of combining Voice Memos with QR Codes and Smartphones. Basically its a way to mark and capture data, be it voice or visual, and then revisit it at a later date. Essentially this means, if you are in class and taking notes, you may also want to record the lecture, so you tab and the recording using a supplied QR Code Sticker (that nestles sweetly in an allocated space in the smaprtphone jacket), scanning the code and readily accessing it later. The video below explains it all. The designers explain, “The market strategy is to set a range of Vmo sticker prices depending on the file size (i.e. length of voice recording). In a nutshell, we actually sell the web space bit by bit, which store the info or voice on the net. Cloud service plays the main role behind the scene. We view cloud service as a potential market. Focus on realizing users’ dreams and let them “taste” vocal memories wherever they are, whenever they want by means of cloud service connection. Vmo is not merely an amazing product design but a whole new cloud service design strategy.” (Step 1: Write the info on the Vmo. Step 2: Stick Vmo on your stuff. Step 3: Record the voice and scan the code.)


| A Different Camera Perspective |

YANKO DESIGN, October 30, 2012

The FANs Cam is a pint-sized camera that brings more to the table than being just a spectator. The mini camera clips onto the collar of a sports player’s uniform and hooks up a livefeed to the fan on the stands. It gives the fan a perspective of the game that they’ve never experienced before. The video is accessible after a simple scan of the QR code printed on the back of the game’s ticket You get the option of picking your favorite player using the smart phone, and get instant access to what that player sees.



| INNOVATION: Fall 2012 Yearbook of Design Excellence |

IDSA, September 1, 2012

Welcome to Innovation, IDSA's quarterly design journal and one of the best places to learn about the practice of design. Every issue of Innovation reaches IDSA's membership, the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, universities, associations, design consultancies and subscribers around the world.



| Game Sight Blocked? Award-winning Miniature Camera Solves the Problem |

National Cheng Kung University, August 20, 2012

Two National Cheng Kung University students have designed an award-winning FANs Cam (Free Angle and Naked Camera) that enables users to enjoy the game without experiencing the annoyance of having their sight blocked by other audience.



| NCKU Students' First-aid Kit Shines in International Design Contests |

National Cheng Kung University, June 19, 2012

The “Nursing Kit,” a first-aid kit designed by National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) students Sheng-hung Lee and Yu-lin Chen, has won a string of awards locally and internationally and is ready for commercialization since some of the local companies have shown interest in mass producing it.



| Sporty Spacecraft |

YANKO DESIGN, April 26, 2012

Did you see that hypersonic aircraft that deteriorated mid-air this week? This concept by Sheng-Hung Lee uses similar arrowhead shape but actually looks a lot more stable! The single-person craft is the designer’s take on what ultrafast “sport” spacecraft might look like in the future. Let’s just hope the skin doesn’t fly off. Hit the jump to catch the making of the model!



| NCKU Students Design PhotoTalk Connects Emotion Beyond Time |

National Cheng Kung University, March 9, 2012

PhotoTalk, an innovative electronic design by a student team led by Ching-Hsing Luo, the distinguished professor in department of electrical engineering (EE) at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), southern Taiwan, has recently won the 1st prize of Taiwan division and best creative award at 2010-2011 Fujitsu Semiconductor Electronic Design Competition, a major competition for teachers and students from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan to share their ideas and experiences.



| Core77 2012 Design Awards |

Core77, 2012

Since 1995, Core77 has served a devoted global audience of designers ranging from students through seasoned professionals. Core77 publishes articles, discussion forums, and an extensive event calendar in addition to hosting portfolios, job listings, and a database of design firms, schools, vendors and services. Core77 also provides a gathering point for designers and enthusiasts alike by producing design competitions, lecture series, parties, and exhibitions.



| BraunPrize 2012 Shortlisted Projects |

Braun, 2012

At the first jury session in June 2012, the jury chose 3 Student projects as Finalists from 1,850 submissions. The Finalists present their projects to 80 guest jurors, an exclusive circle consisting of experts in design and other areas of industry, technology and the media with a special focus on the field of design, at the Design Forum in September 2012. Votes from the guest jury determine the Gold, Silver and Bronze Winners of the BraunPrize 2012 in the Student category.



| red dot design concept yearbook 2012/2013 |

red dot edition, 2012

The red dot design concept yearbook is a collection of the best design ideas and concepts from the red dot award: design concept. This compendium gives you a picture of what the world might be like in the future. The yearbook also provides brief features introducing the international design experts who chose the concepts as well as fascinating behind-the-scenes interviews with designers and jury members. Be inspired by this creative collection. This book is like a firework of innovative ideas. 



| red dot design concept yearbook 2011/2012 |

red dot edition, 2011

The red dot design concept yearbook is a collection of the best design ideas and concepts from the red dot award: design concept. This compendium gives you a picture of what the world might be like in the future. The yearbook also provides brief features introducing the international design experts who chose the concepts as well as fascinating behind-the-scenes interviews with designers and jury members. Be inspired by this creative collection. This book is like a firework of innovative ideas.



NCKU Whiz Kid Constant Winner of Design Awards |

National Cheng Kung University, December 26, 2011

Sheng-Hung Lee, a design student of the Tainan based National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), has won a string of awards locally and internationally, showing a great potential in a profession of his choice.



| The Fire Mix! |

YANKO DESIGN, November 11, 2011

The Fire Formula is a cool fire extinguisher where the chemicals can be mixed together on location in a jiffy. Apparently you can choose the amount of water and carbon dioxide combo that you require and douse the flame. However I like it more for its designer appeal. It looks way better than the traditional extinguishers and borders on being classy!



| It’s a Guy Thing, Shhhh! |

YANKO DESIGN, November 10, 2011

Condom Cap is a simple packaging design that will always make you roll the darn thing ‘the right way.’ Blame it on bad lighting, the nerves or whatever; but struggling to put it on right is not how you want to get intimate. Do I hear a collective sigh of relief? Yeah, Condom Cap is your answer my loves!



| Design 100 COOL II |

Cheers, September 28, 2010

The concept of first aid is not common in a typical Taiwanese family, therefore redesigning the first aid kit considering the placement, functionality, affinity and form is our goal. “nursing kit” is a new generation of family first aid kit that blends into its surrounding furniture and be a part of your daily life. Its universal design component includes the Curvy Scissors, Tape Dispenser, Tweezers Clip and Medicines Cap. Creating a rapid, complete and easy-to-use security guard achieving maximum functionality. Nevertheless be an awesome art piece at your home. We not only want to take care of your physical, but also the spiritual aspect of health.



| First Aid First |

YANKO DESIGN, June 21, 2010

Very few designers have ventured forth to re-deign the First Aid Kit. Even the mandatory school projects that my children did was a square, white box with a red cross plastered in the centre. The N. Nursing Kit designed by two talented students from the National Cheng Kung University adds a breath of fresh air to the mundane. If I were to mention the two most innovative items, it’d have to be the curvy scissors and the integrated flashlight. The N. Nursing Kit includes the Curvy Scissors, Tape Dispenser, Tweezers Clip and Medicines Cap. Additional Features: 1. When the device lifted for use, the emergency sign lights up. 2. To open the device, push down and then turn: The container separates into three sections for sterilization, medication and dressing. 3. The upper part is a light source for the nursing kit therefore it can be taken apart to be used as a flashlight. (Material of lamp cover sponsored by Industrial Technology Research Institute).



| 32nd International Young Designers’ Exhibition (YODEX) Yearbook |

Ministry of Economic Affairs, 2010

It has been the 32nd International Young Designers’ Exhibition (YODEX) since 1982. YODEX (Young Designers' Exhibition) is the largest design exhibition especially oriented to students in Asia. It is a graduating show which brings design graduates’ works under one roof and attracts more than 95,000 visitors from Taiwan and abroad every year. During 4 days of exhibition, visitors witness dynamic power of young designers in various design disciplines such as fashion design, industrial design, communication design, and interior design. As far as design students are concerned, YODEX offers a good opportunity for them to interact with one another and provides a valuable experience contributing to their pursuit of future careers.

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